Don’t Forget About These Expenses Associated With Having A Pet

Don’t Forget About These Expenses Associated With Having A Pet

Having a pet is one of life’s greatest joys. Whether you are a dog person or a cat person, your pet will undoubtedly bring happiness into your life. We all know that having a pet will cost money, but there are a few things that you may not know you need to budget for when having a pet. Check out these things you may be forgetting to budget for when you have a pet.

Preventative Care

Keeping your pet healthy is a must. Just as you go to the doctor for preventative care, your pet will also need preventative care. This includes things like vaccinations, deworming, tick and flea prevention, and regular grooming.

Another preventive care measure you should take for your pet is to have them spayed or neutered. If you adopted from a shelter, this has likely been done already.

Just as you go to the dentist and brush your teeth, your pet will also need dental care. Your pet should have annual cleaning, and you should also regularly brush their teeth with a special toothbrush and toothpaste made especially for cats or dogs.

Emergency Medical Expenses

You hope nothing bad will ever happen to your pet, but sometimes things happen that will require emergency medical attention, like surgery or an accident, or becoming sick. Budgeting for this can be tricky as you don’t know how much it will cost. Thankfully, you can find pet insurance that will help you cover the cost of emergency medical expenses for your pet. Pet insurance plans are much more affordable than you might think, with some starting as low as a few dollars per month for young and healthy pets.


Some pets will cooperate better than others, but you likely will need to enroll your pet in some kind of training class if you want them to be well-behaved. This is an expense that will definitely pay off in the long run. There are many different options for pet training; your local pet store will probably offer some classes, there are private trainers, or there are even some online options now.

Pet-Sitting or Doggy Daycare

If you are someone that likes to travel, you know that it’s not always possible to bring your pet along with you. You will probably have to budget for pet boarding or paying someone to watch your pet while you’re away. Cats are better suited to spending time alone than dogs, but if you’re gone for more than a day or two, you will still need someone to come and check on your cat.

Extras For Your Furry Friend

You know you need to buy all the essentials like a leash, bowls, and collars, but you will probably want to treat your pet to extras. While this is not a must, you should budget a little extra to treat your pet. Pampering your pet feels good, but it doesn’t have to break the bank. You can find great-priced pet supplies at warehouse retailers like Costco or shop at discount stores like Ross and T.J. Maxx.

Taking Care Of Your Pets Doesn’t Have To Cost An Arm And A Leg

Taking good care of your pets and even pampering them doesn’t have to cost a ton of money. If you budget properly for these things, you don’t have to drain your bank account. Pet insurance is a big help for emergency expenses, and it is important to remember that your pet loves quality time with you more than anything you could buy them!

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