Even if you have made a decent budget and you find yourself sticking to it for the most part, it might still be hard to save some money. Managing your bills and regular day to day expenses is a lot of work, meaning you might not be thinking about saving money. The good news is, it can be easy to save money and not even realize you are doing it! Check out these helpful and easy tips that can help you save money and not even notice it.
Feed The Piggy Bank!
If you use cash a lot, then you will surely benefit from using a piggy bank or coin jar! You probably find yourself with a pocketful of change at the end of the day that you aren’t going to use. This is a super easy way to save money and not even notice that you’re doing it—your nightstand will also be much cleaner without all that change laying around! Whenever your piggy bank or coin jar fills up, take it right to the bank and deposit in your savings account. Even though it might not seem like a lot at first, it all adds up and you will be surprised at how much you save without noticing it!
Start Small
Starting small is one of the best things you can do to get into the habit of saving money. You probably won’t notice if you saved $10 this week, and if you were to save $10 every week for a year you would end up with $520 at the end of the year. It’s not enough to buy a new car or anything, but $520 is a decent chunk of change in your savings account! You don’t need a lot of money to start saving, you just need the willpower to do it.
Set Up Automatic Transfers
Did you know that your bank can help you save money without you even noticing it? If you regularly use a debit card, then the coin jar method is not for you, but this one sure is! You can set up automatic transfers through your bank that will send a set amount of money on a specified date from your checking account to your savings account. Some banks even offer programs that will transfer one dollar from your checking to savings account every time you make a purchase on your debit card. This is a super easy way to save money and you truly don’t even notice you are doing it until you look at your accounts and see how much your savings has grown!
Pretend You Didn’t Just Get That Raise
If you have recently gotten a raise at work, good job! It will be easy to save if you pretend like it never happened and send that extra money right to your savings account each payday. This is a very easy way to save money as you don’t have to adjust your spending or budget or anything! Just keep on living like you have been and watch your savings account accumulate that cold hard cash!
Save Your Way to Financial Security
Good financial advice states that you should have at least six months’ worth of your bills and day-to-day expenses saved. Hopefully by using these tips and tricks, you can hit that goal without even realizing you are saving money! Cheers to financial security!